A four-wheeled vehicle is considered to be a lorry with a maximum of 9 seats, including the driver’s seat, and intended for the transport of goods. In addition, the cab is not integrated with the rest of the body. These vehicles belong to category N.

Lorries, like any other vehicle in circulation, also have to undergo a roadworthiness test to ensure that they are in good condition and have optimum conditions to promote road safety and environmental protection.

This is the main objective of the MOT for trucks, which as we will see below, has some significant differences compared to that of other motor vehicles, such as cars or motorcycles.

Camiones en fila

Truck types by weight and MOT periodicity in Spain

Before knowing the requirements and delving into the aspects of the MOT, we must know the classification of trucks according to their MMA, as this will influence the periodicity.

MOT for trucks less than 3500kg

Trucks weighing less than 3500kg are considered light vehicles and belong to category N1. Therefore, the MOT follows the same criteria as for other light vehicles, such as vans or vans.

The frequency for lorries with a maximum weight of less than 3,5 tonnes and taking into account their age shall be as follows:

Up to 2 years Exempt
From 2 to 6 years Every 2 years
From 6 to 10 years Every year
More than 10 years Every 6 months

MOT for trucks over 3500 kg

Trucks weighing more than 3500kg are already considered to be heavy vehicles, and belong to category N2 or N3. Therefore, its MOT also has another periodicity:


Less than 10 years Every year
More than 10 years Every 6 months
Imagen de camión en una carretera

Truck classification for the MOT

To know what type of vehicle we are dealing with, we must look at the four-digit number shown on the ITV card, which will indicate its classification.

The first two refer to its construction and MMA:

  • Code 20: Trucks with a MMA of less than 3500kg.
  • Code 21: lorries whose MMA is between 3500 and 12000kg.
  • Code 22: lorries with a MMA exceeding 12 tonnes.
  • Code 23: truck tractor.

The last two figures refer to its role.

Truck elements that look at MOT

With regard to the MOT of trucks, it is very similar to that of other vehicles. After the delivery of the mandatory documents (technical inspection form, registration certificate and insurance) and verification that the data in the technical data sheet match those of the truck, the tests shall be carried out as appropriate:

  • The condition of the body and chassis.
  • The status of the doors and access steps to the cabin.
  • If the truck is fitted with coupling devices, it shall be checked that they are approved, that they have not been tampered with and that they appear on the ITV card.
  • The general condition of the wheels, suspension, engine and shock absorbers.
  • Checking the correct functioning of the tachograph.
  • Review of the operation and condition of the seat belts and their anchors.
  • Checking the lighting system to verify compliance, including gauge lights if required.
  • Pollutant emissions test or OBD test for vehicles with Euro VI emissions level.



Brake test

However, a truck, having characteristics and elements different from other vehicles, also has to undergo specific tests of its category. The most prominent is the braking test for heavy vehicles.

This brake test can be performed in several different ways:

  • On trucks with a MMA up to 3500kg and it is not necessary for the vehicle to be loaded.
  • If the MMA of the truck exceeds 3.5 tons and its brakes are fully pneumatic, or mixed (hydraulic pneumatic), it is advisable to perform the test with the loaded truck. If this is not possible, at ITV La Hoya we have a system that simulates the loading of the vehicle (when the vehicle allows to use this equipment).
  • The other alternative is to install pressure sockets on the left side to simulate the load, thanks to the extrapolation method.

Tips before passing the truck MOT

The best advice we can give from ITV La Hoya, both to pass favorably the technical inspection of a truck and any other vehicle, is to carry out regular and preventive maintenance. This can easily be achieved with a review in your usual workshop.

Many of the serious failures that give unfavorable results in truck MOT are very common causes: brakes, tires, suspension… All of them can be prevented as we have mentioned.

This way you will get through the ITV without problems and ensure that your truck meets all the safety aspects necessary to drive safely on the road.

Mantenimiento preventivo de camiones