Buses are vehicles with more than 9 seats, including the driver’s, which, because of their construction and fittings, are mainly intended for the transport of people and luggage. As a curiosity, comment that included in this category the trolleybus, which does not circulate by rails, but is connected to an electrical line.

Within this category (M) we can differentiate those whose maximum mass does not exceed 5 tons (M2), and those with maximum mass greater than 5 tons (M3). Both will be able to provide space for passengers on foot.

Inspección técnica de autobuses

When should a bus pass the MOT in Spain?

As in any vehicle, the frequency is determined by the date of registration of the vehicle.

In this particular case two situations may arise:


Up to 5 years Annual, once a year
More than 5 years Semester, every 6 months

Elements inspected at a bus MOT

In addition to the main elements that, in general, are inspected in any type of vehicle (lights, tires, body, interior, mirrors, brakes, steering…), buses have their peculiarities.

Therefore, to the ITV process of a bus should be added:

  • The pressure of closing doors. The technician will use a dynamometer to ensure that, in closing, they do not exceed the limit of 300N and can cause serious injuries if someone is trapped by them. And speaking of doors, these should work properly.
  • Emergency controls for opening doors, both exterior and interior. Vital in case of accident.
  • Optical-acoustic warning signals to the driver according to the state of various elements of the vehicle.
  • Some older buses have central safety controls for the driver to operate in case of an accident, its function is to disconnect the battery to prevent fires. This function is automated in modern vehicles.
  • Grip elements, bars, protective screens and other safety accessories inside the bus must be well arranged and not be damaged.
  • Mirrors and/or cameras, both internal and external, must cover and allow control of everything that happens around and within the bus.
  • Emergency exits are very important, such as the ceiling hatch, the windows, the hammer and the legends that indicate them.
  • In the case of a school bus, seat belts must be in good condition. In addition, the mandatory sign indicating that it is a school transport vehicle must have the appropriate dimensions.



Recommendations for a favorable result on the bus MOT

The most frequent defects that cause unfavourable results in the MOT of buses are, mainly, in addition to the typical defects of other vehicles (lighting, signalling, mirrors, brake status, suspension elements and steering) other defects associated with the systems or elements mentioned above.

Therefore, to ensure that the inspection of the bus is overcome without problems, the recommendations we give at ITV La Hoya have to do with these common faults.

  • Check the operation of all lights and indicators, as well as their regulation.
  • Ensure that the brakes run smoothly and are not worn. Tyres are closely related to braking and stability, so they are very important.
  • Control accessories inside the vehicle, such as handles, mirrors and cameras, emergency items or belts, if applicable.
  • Check that the doors open and close well, without exceeding the maximum permitted force.
  • Legends of emergency exits in good condition and enough on both sides of the vehicle.
  • Ensure proper operation of emergency door controls.
  • As we always recommend, vehicle maintenance should be carried on a regular basis.